RESTORATIVE-REGULATING ACUPUNCTURE: Treatments designed for deep rest, healing, zoning out and tuning in. These treatments address each organ system and tap into the extraordinary meridians that hold vast reserves of energy. It is similar in effect to the yogic savasana. Conditons that benefit include : Stress, Insomnia, Anxiety, Depression, Aches and pains, Digestive Issues, IBS, Constipation, Sexual Dysfunction, Fatigue.
TRIGGER POINT DRY-NEEDLING AND MYOFASCIAL RELEASE: Dry needling release of a trigger points in muscle and fascia is a quick way to release muscle tension due to injury, repetitive strain, chronic pain, overtraining, emotional stress and postural imbalances. Dr Rose Erin Vaughan combines manual release techniques with needling of specific muscles that are causing local or referred pain and restriction of movement.
Trigger point acupuncture is a unique and highly effective form of acupuncture developed in North America and used as a treatment for pain conditions. It is based on the pioneering work of Dr. Janet Travell and Dr Mark Seem. Trigger points are located in soft-tissue, primarily in bands of tightened muscle fibers. Trigger points often develop as a consequence of acute or repetitive strain, overtraining, musculoskeletal imbalance, injury or disease. They may cause localized pain, referred pain, and/or reduced range of motion and function. Dr Vaughan thoroughly examines the joints and musculature to find areas of tightness, restriction and trigger points. When trigger point acupuncture is done, patients may experience twitching contractions of the tight muscle as it is being treated. This twitching serves to bring the muscle out of its contracted state, so it can loosen and regain normal tone. This allows better range of motion, and function and reduces or alleviates the associated pain. You can expect to be sore after treatment but you can return to normal activities on the next day. Conditions that may benefit : Back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, Rotator Cuff injuries, Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s elbow, Wrist pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Knee pain, Hip pain, Ankle pain, Plantar Fasciitis, SI Joint Dysfunction, Jaw Pain, TMJD, Headaches, athletic injuries, Weightlifting injuries, recovery from surgeries.
ACUPUNCTURE FOR SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION AND ED: Physical Intimacy is an important part of a healthy and joyful life at all ages. But physical intimacy can be limited by sexual dysfunction in both men and women due to aging, injuries or disease processes. Acupuncture combined with Exercise therapy and Psychotherapy (contact me for referral) has been shown to be effective for sexual dysfunction including Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Pelvic pain, Vulvadynia, Erectile Dysfunction and low libido. If you are experiencing any of these conditions, don’t hesitate to reach out with questions.
Your first appointment:
We will discuss your past medical history, as well as any therapies your have undergone or are currently receiving. This information will allow me to determine a better treatment plan.
Do you accept health insurance?
Not at this time. We are able to provide you with a receipt for possible reimbursement, but you are responsible for submitting it.
What are acupuncture needles like?
Acupuncture needles are extremely thin: much finer than any needle used in a doctor’s office. I am certified in Clean Needle Technique and use sterile, pre-packaged, disposable needles.
What does acupuncture feel like?
Acupuncture causes a variety of sensations, some of which may feel foreign and unique. Patients often describe feeling heavy pressure, or spreading, traveling sensations when the needles are being stimulated. Sometimes no sensation is felt. The sensations that occur with Trigger Point Dry Needling can be more intense - you may experience a muscle twitch response as the muscle contracts and then relaxes. After stimulation of a trigger point, the muscles tend to immediately feel looser, with a reduction in pain and stiffness.
How will I feel after receiving acupuncture?
After the needles have been stimulated you will be able to relax and let the treatment integrate into your body for 10–15 minutes. Many people feel deeply relaxed after treatments, while others may feel energized. It is best if you are able to take time out and rest after acupuncture to allow your body time to incorporate the treatment most effectively. Taking a hot bath and drinking plenty of water will help relieve any soreness that may result from Trigger point release.
While receiving acupuncture, you may notice improvements in your sleep patterns, appetite, digestion, and emotions even if these are not symptoms involved in your chief complaint. This is an indication that your body is undergoing the healing process and improving function.
How many treatments will I need?
The benefits of acupuncture tend to be cumulative, working through layers of disharmony in order to achieve balance. I usually recommend one treatment a week for 3-4 weeks followed by a break for several weeks, which allows time for your body to thoroughly benefit from the series of treatments. Many acute conditions will only need one series of 3 treatments for the condition to be resolved. Long-standing disorders may take more time, requiring follow-up sessions to further the healing process. In these cases, we can develop a maintenance treatment plan. Sessions may also be scheduled for preventative measures and general wellbeing.
What are the risks of acupuncture?
Local soreness, minor bruising, infection and pneumothorax are very rare result of acupuncture that can be minimized by use of sterile needle and proper needling technique. I use only sterile needles and am trained and certified in clean needle technique.