Acupuncture and Dry Needling with Dr Vaughan: for acute and chronic pain, neck and shoulder pain, lower back pain, hip and knee pain, injury recovery, digestive issues, constipation, stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, sexual dysfunction, headaches, migraines. Acupuncture can be a very gentle and soothing experience that regulates the entire body through the nervous system. Dry Needling is a muscle-based technique that is especially effective for active/athletic people with muscle, tendon and connective tissue pain.
For more information on acupuncture click here.
$150 (45-60 minutes)  

Cash, PayPal, Apple Pay, Credit/Debit card or personal checks.  

Cancellation Policy:
Please notify us at least 24 hours before the start of your appointment if you need to change or cancel your appointments.  You will be held responsible for the full cost of each session that you miss without adequate notification.  Thank you for your cooperation.  Missed appointments can be paid by credit card or paypal.